Monday, November 16, 2009

Trinidad and Tobago Through Its Media

Photo courtesy



  1. I can't believe no one commented on this as yet...interesting...

  2. I think the media in Trinidad is an absolute waste of time! That's why I don't care what the PM does to them!

  3. To second anonymous, it is sad to know that you don't care about the media, since it is the media that is responsible for the democrate state in which we currently live. The is the fourth estate and thus is responsible for keeping the government in check and voicing the concerning of the public. If the government controls the media the society is no longer free. I guess you would be comfortable living in Orwell's 1984 environment. the media acts as the watchdogs of democracy. they are there to keep us in the know and insure that the people are well inform on government matters. From this video it is sad to say that Trinidad's media is under pressure. the question is would they stand up and be fighters of free speech, and democracy. If you don't care about the state of the media, you don't care about yourself.
    Media Callaloo thank you for taking the first step by highlighting that there is a problem.
    Controlled Media equals imprisonment
    Free media equals freedom
    Do not bow down
    Freedom of speech and expression......figth for your constitutional right.

  4. another job well done. i think the local media,in addition to keeping the masses informed and the gov in check,needs to be more responsible. sometimes they do more harm than good.then at other times ,things to be highlighted get no coverage. media houses please be unbiased ans responsible. good tune by the way.

  5. Media Callaloo18/11/09 11:18 PM

    It is unfortunate to know that some people do not care about the state of the media, since it is the media's responsibility to voice the concerns of the public. They are the fourth estate and guardians of democracy and public interest. A controlled media results in societies similar to those of the Middle East where freedom of speech is a mere dream, a thought forbidden to mention. As the country spirals out of control, with many attempts to stop the press from revealing the truth, media personals are now more than ever expected to take control and fight for the democracy they were entrusted to guard.
    As citizens and further journalists media Callao is taking the first step and highlighting that there is a problem.
    To those who don't care what the government does with the media, we which luck, for the road you have chosen is one paved with silence and conformity.

  6. Let me start by saying that the media are not even free to do what they want as they are faced with pressures from gov't institutions and the capitalist. So to talk about the media upholding democracy is a falacy! The media in Trinidad have lost their "freedom" status not because of the gov't but rather because they have caved into the pressure and have grown weaker and weaker over the past few years. Take a historical look at our ranking on reporters without borders website and you'll see the change. Are you saying this change is due to the gov't??? Is the media absolved from any responsibility as far as the present crippling of our democracy is concerned??? You know what the worst part is, despite all these recognitions, Trinidadians will continue to vote the same people back in!!!! Sad state of affairs!

  7. COOL VIDEO!!!!!!!!

  8. Very nice video, it showed me that government is trying to control the media. They are trying to dictate what gets published for the public and what does not. I find it wrong though because it is not the full story we the public are getting. I believe that investigative journalism without boundaries should be more appreciated.

  9. I don't know what to say on the matter the media is doing their job and yet still we as a people are not getting the response we want, it seems as though the powers that be are taking our media for a joke.

  10. the media is trindad have no balls to stand up and say no we have rights to free press. they only studying $$$$ so yes they look for that.
    get some balls and then maybe we mite consider taking the matter of control seriously.

  11. Whether or not we see the media as a waste of time we still need to recognise their importance. If the gov't is walking all over the society now, what is going to happen if the media did not exist??!! Can anyone really imagine...

  12. the media is the only chance this country has at any form of else would we find out what is going on...i can agree that there needs to be better training for our media professionals...we need journalists who could ask the right questions and be strategic in their approach. So much already goes down within the Red House without us the citizens I am grateful for the media and I hope it can be improved soon or else this country is going down a slippery slope...
